Why does covering a rock with paper defeat it? In the writing world, we call these papers rejection slips. There are two kinds of writers: Those that get discouraged when they get rejection slips and those that don't get discouraged when they get rejection slips. The point being, everyone gets rejected. Think of it like baseball, if you get on base 1/3 of the time you are an excellent player. If you get on base 4 out of ten times, you get in to the Hall of Fame. If you get on base half the time, you must be a robot.
Like most writers, I wish I had a .300 writing average. Worse is when you swing at that ball you shouldn't have. It looks good coming it, you take a swing, but then you look later and wonder what you were thinking. For me, these pieces of writing are usually composed between midnight and 3 am when I should really be in bed. The next morning, scissors (or at least the delete key) usually beats that particular paper.