Monday, December 16, 2013

[New post] Why Schrodinger was Wrong (Humor)

orenhammerquist posted: "One of the most useful things I learned from Big Bang Theory is about Schrodinger's Cat. For faithful viewers, that is not related to the fluffy kitty song. Not being a physicist, I can only give you a basic explanation of the principle. Schrodinger's "

Monday, December 9, 2013

[New post] Political Lessons from Antelope and Deer (Sociology)

orenhammerquist posted: "Have you ever stopped to consider the underlying motivations of Democrats and Republicans? One of the key differences is the basic theory of human interaction—the social good versus the individual good. These can be understood by looking at the positive a"

Sunday, December 1, 2013

[New post] The Axe-wielding Maniac (Writing)

orenhammerquist posted: "Just before Halloween, I finished writing my first novel. I made two promises to myself that day. First, that I would not look at it before December 1st, and second, that I would look at it on that day. Today is December 1st, and it is time to become an a"