Thursday, March 13, 2014

[New post] Read an eBook Week Over

orenhammerquist posted: "Read an ebook week at Smashwords is over and my ebook giveaway with it. (Actually, it has been over for almost a week, but I've been too busy to post.) My book now returns to the low price of $2.99. Thanks to all those who took advantage of this promotion"

Friday, March 7, 2014

[New post] Read an ebook week nearly done

orenhammerquist posted: "You have until Sunday to use the coupon code RW100 to get a free copy of ny ebook. After that, the price returns to $2.99. Many of you have aleady taken advantage of this special offer. If you have a moment, why not rate my book, or add it to your "to rea"

Monday, March 3, 2014

[New post] First copies sold!

orenhammerquist posted: "Maybe I shouldn't be so happy, but my first copies of Murphy's Second Death have sold. If this was a piano bar it would be considered good luck. Two lucky readers took advantage of the free offer for Read an eBook week (using the coupon code RW100) to cla"

Saturday, March 1, 2014

[New post] Special Promotion: Free digital copy

orenhammerquist posted: "My book is enrolled in Smashword's Read an eBook week, allowing readers to download and read a copy FREE! This offer only runs From March 2nd - March 8th. Simply go to, and use the coupon code: RW100 It isn'"